Walt Disney Pictures, star Nicolas Cage, producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Jon Turteltaub, the team behind the National Treasure franchise, reunite for The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Inspired by the eponymous short in Disney's 1940 masterpiece Fantasia, the film stars Cage as Balthazar Blake, a centuries-old master sorcerer who has been searching for the next Merlin since, well, the days of Merlin. He finds this archetypal chosen one in the person of young New Yorker Dave Stutler (played as an adult by Jay Baruchel).
Dave first encounters the eccentric immortal when, as a 10-year-old student, he stumbles into Balthazar's occult shop. Before the skittish kid can flee the shop, Balthazar convinces Dave to try on a special ring -- one adorned with a dragon. If the dragon likes you, Balthazar promises him, you can keep it. As soon as young Dave puts it on, the dragon comes alive and wraps around his finger to form the ring's band.
Like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone, Dave has passed the test and is revealed to be the one Balthazar has long sought. Unfortunately, Dave's a geeky klutz and accidentally unleashes Maxim Horvath (Alfred Molina), an urbane, sinister sorcerer and Balthazar's longtime arch-enemy. Balthazar saves Dave by magically sealing himself and Horvath inside an urn, but promises that he'll find Dave again one day.
Walt Disney Pictures, star Nicolas Cage, producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Jon Turteltaub, the team behind the National Treasure franchise, reunite for The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Inspired by the eponymous short in Disney's 1940 masterpiece Fantasia, the film stars Cage as Balthazar Blake, a centuries-old master sorcerer who has been searching for the next Merlin since, well, the days of Merlin. He finds this archetypal chosen one in the person of young New Yorker Dave Stutler (played as an adult by Jay Baruchel).
Dave first encounters the eccentric immortal when, as a 10-year-old student, he stumbles into Balthazar's occult shop. Before the skittish kid can flee the shop, Balthazar convinces Dave to try on a special ring -- one adorned with a dragon. If the dragon likes you, Balthazar promises him, you can keep it. As soon as young Dave puts it on, the dragon comes alive and wraps around his finger to form the ring's band.
Like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone, Dave has passed the test and is revealed to be the one Balthazar has long sought. Unfortunately, Dave's a geeky klutz and accidentally unleashes Maxim Horvath (Alfred Molina), an urbane, sinister sorcerer and Balthazar's longtime arch-enemy. Balthazar saves Dave by magically sealing himself and Horvath inside an urn, but promises that he'll find Dave again one day.
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