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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top 10 Human Movies

Every year, pundits tell us that audiences are getting dumber, that studios are producing nothing but lowest-common-denominator drivel, and every year, audiences and artists prove them both right and wrong. For every "Yogi Bear" and "Skyline," there was a "Black Swan" and "The Fighter," movies that showed audiences want to be challenged and moved. No matter how discouraging a year's output might be, there are always movies that make the dreck worthwhile.

To start a yearly tradition at The Projector, we present the Top 10 Movie Humans Of The Year, the 10 people who had the best year, who most affected how we experienced the year. These are people who had success, who broke through, who provided the most lasting memories of 2010. These are people who will always remember 2010, and the reasons we will do the same.

First, our honorable mentions: Ben Affleck, Darren Aronofsky, Banksy, Lisa Cholodenko, Alex Gibney, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Hans Zimmer and "Mark Zuckerberg."

And now, to the top 10 Movie Humans Of 2010.
10. Sylvester Stallone.

"The Expendables" might not have been the best movie in the world -- we more enjoyed Sly's two other recent comeback vehicles, "Rocky Balboa" and "Rambo" -- but it was the biggest hit Stallone has had in 25 years. (That's older than a few people on our list.) We're always told that The Movie Star is dead, but Sly, with an all-star cast of aging action heroes, reminded us that, sometimes, a familiar face is all we want. A familiar face that is preferably punching other, less familiar faces.

9. Michelle Williams

No one will ever think of her as the "Dawson's Creek" actress again, or even as Heath Ledger's ex. She was the beating heart of "Shutter Island" at the beginning of the year but knocked everybody's socks off in "Blue Valentine" at the end of it, a role that's almost certain to earn the second Oscar nomination of her career. And look out: Next year she's playing Marilyn Monroe.

8. Andrew Garfield

In July, Columbia Pictures announced that Garfield would play Spider-Man in Marc Webb's upcoming reboot. Few knew who he was then, but they sure do now. Garfield gave soulful performances in both "Never Let Me Go" and "The Social Network," the latter of which will likely win him an Oscar nomination next month. No one can ever guess how an actor's career will turn out, but it'd be difficult to have a more metoric rise than Garfield had this year.
7. Leonardo DiCaprio

Of the top 20 grossing movies of the year, two of them were smartly made, thoughtful adult thrillers made by serious visionary directors. Both of them starred DiCaprio. At this point, his very presence assures a certain guarantee of quality; you can argue he hasn't made a truly bad movie in more than a decade.

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